
Distance Learning

Distance Learning What does It Mean? Distance learning, dlearning or D Learning is a mode of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. Distance learning provides "access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both. Distance learning is carried out through a number of ways such as correspondence, radio and Television, internet, and technologies.

Three Ways to Defeat Lack Of Interest In Studying A Subject.

 Three ways to defeat lack of interest in studying a subject come in handy because they give us some way to try to go round a subject which we feel we have no interest in, but is important for us in our studies.This may for instance be about studying for a degree by distance learning. But the subject must be passed very well if we have to have our desired degree at the end of the day. If we happen to find ourselves in this situation, it is necessary for us to try the following three tips. tackling the readings and assignments for this subject first in your study schedule treating the topic seriously, accepting the difficulty or the uninteresting nature of the subject matter as a challenge, and reward yourself for completing a reading or spending a productive hour on the subject. keeping a running record of your study times and achievements in the subject and measuring your performance against previously stated goals. The three ways to try to defeat lack of interest in stud...

What Is Collaborative Learning

Computer-supported collaborative learning   (CSCL) uses instructional methods designed to encourage or require students to work together on learning tasks. CSCL is similar in concept to the terminology, "e-learning 2.0". Collaborative learning is distinguishable from the traditional approach to instruction in which the instructor is the principal source of knowledge and skills. For example, the neologism "e-learning 1.0" refers to the direct transfer method in computer-based learning and training systems (CBL). In contrast to the linear delivery of content, often directly from the instructor's material, CSCL uses   blogs,   wikis, and cloud-based document portals (such as   Google Docs   andDropbox). With technological   Web 2.0   advances, sharing information between multiple people in a   network   has become much easier and use has increased. One of the main reasons for its usage states that it is "a breeding ground for creative and ...



How To Choose A Distance Learning Course

Do you want to choose a course which you want to do by distance learning? Relax and take time before you jump in. This is because there are so many people who have now come to appreciate the value of doing their courses by distant learning and at the same time some people have taken advantage of the situation to make money without delivering their obligations to their students  Making money in distance learning is not bad. After all we are talking about education because it has a component of making and earning money. In view of this, I ask you to look at some of the serious considerations we have to observe before we finally decide to start our programs. Distance learning is inviting so many students jumping on the education bandwagon, and if you are one of them, it is time for you to start thinking seriously about distance courses, and here are some tips you might find handy in choosing a distance learning program.   The importance of accreditation cannot be emp...

Open Educational Resources On Open Learning

There is often a confusion between Open Learning (or open education) and Open Educational Resources (OER). Opening learning is much more complex than simply providing open educational resources, or OER. But OER can help because they are resources that are freely available on the Internet – you can download them for free, without having to go through the lengthy and often costly process of asking for permission to use them. TheSAIDE OER policy expresses this as follows: At its core, the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) describes educational resources that are freely available for use by educators and learners, without an accompanying need to pay royalties or licence fees. A broad spectrum of frameworks is emerging to govern how OER is licensed for use, some of which simply allow copying and others that make provision for users to adapt the resources that they use. The most well known of these are the Creative Commons (CC) licences, which provide legal mechanisms...

Opening Learning

Where learners have access to computers and to the Internet, the opportunity for opening access to learning is increased enormously. There are many courses which can be studied completely online – and at your own pace. The existence of Web 2.0 means that more learning may happen informally than through formal accredited courses. But the mere existence of courses and other learning material and information online does not mean that learning will automatically happen. In fact, these learning resources are so various and abundant that they may be much more bewildering or inaccessible than conventional courses. Also, learners not only have to understand the content of what they want to learn, they also have to use new tools for learning. They may be familiar with these tools and have the technology to support the use of these tools. But they may not. Without support, without courses designed with particular learners in mind, access may be closed more firmly than ever before. Supporting ...