5 Top Guidelines You Need To Know About Distance Learning In India
Are you intending to study in India through distance learning?Before anything else, read the following 5 top guidelines you need to know about distance learning in India that will help you make the right decision about the right distance learning universities: 1. You are free to do your distance learning either with the sole open state university_ the Indira Gandhi Open University or you can choose to read with any one of the thirteen national distance learning universities. In addition, there are other more than one hundred and fourty institutions that you can apply to, to do distance learning in India.For instance, you can apply for an MBA at GISMA Busines school, Berlin, India Global Master Busines Administration at BSBI, Berlin Master of Science in Management at Arden, Germany Master of Science in International Business at Kingston University, and a Masters in Information analysis at Germany. 2. Any distance learning course, you intend studying in India, is certi...