5 Top Guidelines You Need To Know About Distance Learning In India

Are you intending to study in India through distance learning?Before anything else, read the following 5 top guidelines you need to know about distance learning in India that will help you  make the right decision about the right distance learning universities:

1. You are free to do your distance learning either with the sole open state university_ the Indira Gandhi Open University or you can choose to read with any one of the thirteen national distance learning universities. In addition, there are other more than one hundred and fourty institutions that you can apply to, to do distance learning in India.For instance, you can apply for an

MBA at GISMA Busines school, Berlin, India
Global Master Busines Administration at BSBI, Berlin
Master of Science in Management at Arden, Germany
Master of Science in International Business at Kingston University, and a
Masters in Information analysis at Germany.

2. Any distance learning course, you intend studying in India, is certified and accredited by the Distance Learning office supported by the University Grants Commission. You are also free to get all accredited distance learning universities and colleges in India on the internet.

3. In the past few years, distance learning has expanded greatly. Distance learning has grown greatly with the coming of the internet.

At Indira Gandhi National Open University, you can do the following courses through distance learning: Post Graduate Diploma in Food Science and Technology Appreciation Course in Sustainability Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Post Graduate Diploma about Food Safety and Quality Management.

4. Although you may not read more than one degree at the same time, however, with distance learning, you can undertake a number of mixed different courses such as the following:

Two different diplomas
One diploma and a certificate
Two crtificates
One degree and a diploma or certificate
One Post Graduate diploma plus one ordinary diploma or certificate

5.Today, you will see many universities and many other institutions in India offering only distance learning courses. One such institution you will see is University 18. in India.

University 18 was created after government run Kamataka State Open University, Uttarakhand Open University and private run IIM Shilong university agreed to work together to develop University 18.

The other university that offers only distance learning courses that you can apply to for admission is UTS. The university allows you to send your assignments, do your projects and do your tests any time. It also gives you an option


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