
Showing posts with the label knowledge

As A Nurse, Why You Need Continuing Education

As a nurse, your professional career enhancement did not end immediately you graduated from nursing school after some years of skills learning. If anything, you still need professional and  continuing education, to improve your career skills A woman with a doctor's instrument around her neck and wearing a green nurses uniform while typing on a silver Mac laptop. Remember that when you were still in a nursing school, your teachers did not teach you everything about your nursing career skills. I am sure that immediately you entered the hospital or clinic to start practicing your professional skills after some years of training as a nurse, you began experiencing a new wave of professional life. You now learned that there were many things you still needed to know about your career, and there was a need to ask those who had been in the health field longer than yourself, including your superiors. for professional help since your health skills were growing. You will also disc...