As A Nurse, Why You Need Continuing Education

As a nurse, your professional career enhancement did not end immediately you graduated from nursing school after some years of skills learning. If anything, you still need professional and  continuing education, to improve your career skills

A female trainee nurse in light green nurses uniform, with a doctor's instrument around her neck, studying through continuing education, using a grey laptop on a table..
A woman with a doctor's instrument around her neck and wearing a green nurses uniform while typing on a silver Mac laptop.

Remember that when you were still in a nursing school, your teachers did not teach you everything about your nursing career skills. I am sure that immediately you entered the hospital or clinic to start practicing your professional skills after some years of training as a nurse, you began experiencing a new wave of professional life.

You now learned that there were many things you still needed to know about your career, and there was a need to ask those who had been in the health field longer than yourself, including your superiors. for professional help since your health skills were growing.

You will also discover that the area of clinical knowledge services and patient care is changing all the time because of the growth in modern technics, skills, and knowledge

With these changes and enhancements in academic and professional knowledge, it is crucial that you also keep abreast with the new professional knowledge so that you look after your patients' health better than before as a result of your new skills.

As new professional knowledge and skills changes take place, you need to know what is causing them and why, so that you are able to care for your patients' health in your location, with understanding, compassion, and in a professional manner.

You will discover that the number of patients who die in areas where there are nurses with advanced health education like BSN, is lower than in medical centers that have nurses with low career education and skills.

This is where you need advanced academic and professional continuing education, even if it does not take over the advanced education you already have.. You need continuing education because it continues updating your professional and academic skills for the betterment of your patients' health in your location.

Nurse Continuing Education:

You benefit from nurse continuing education career knowledge because you will learn and improve in the way you handle your patients' health in your location.

For instance, I am reminded of a certain sad experience a friend of mine had, a few years ago, in-home medical care in LVN.

Her health boss was at hand one day, to see how my friend was going to administer an injection on an ill person.

The boss of my friend was seriously taken aback when my friend selected a location on the body called dorsogluteal to administer an injection on the patient.

The location my friend chose to administer an injection, was for many years clearly considered dangerous to the patient's life as it would result in the patient's sciatic nerve destruction and further poor health.

Disappointingly and without shame, my friend insisted that she was not in the wrong because, according to her, that was what she was taught at nursing school, a few years before.

Politely but firmly, the doctor, my friend's boss, interrupted her, then, later on, advised her never to do what she almost did for the sake of patients' health.

Guess what? My friend was terribly disappointed and wondered whether there would be any change in the methods of nursing care which the nurses applied to patients.

This reminded me of a painful injection a nurse gave me when I was still a kid Maybe you had one too. Having looked at this, it is therefore important that you need continuing education knowledge to improve your performance to better your handling of patients' health.

My friend was just one, now how many nurses do you think could have mishandled their patients' health like my friend did?

You need advanced nurse continuing education knowledge to continuously update your professional and academic knowledge.

Of late, a few states are promoting advanced online continuing education skills for nurses but some others are still glued to on-campus nurse continuing education.

Continuing Education Needs:

By nature, as a nurse, you truly love to give high-value attention to people who may be ill and you desire to improve your academic and professional skills for the sake of your career,

You love the latest academic and professional knowledge as a nurse.

By virtue of this academic and professional review, you should, therefore, be above the needs of your State Board for nurses in the location where you work in terms of academic and health so that your health career knowledge can be boosted.

As a reminder, for you to remain in nursing, you should stick to the needs of your profession so that you are able to renew your practicing permit at a given interval, it may be every after 2 years or so.

Depending on your needs, through academic and health nursing continuing education program, you may decide to study, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, avoiding medical mistakes,  Identifying incapacity in a working environment, and also particular regional laws and regulations that require nurses to follow in their location.

You may also learn about how to handle patients' pain and discomfort, as well as bioterror.

The credentialing Center of the American Nurses decides what should be a top academic performance program curriculum considered as continuing education for nurse career students.

Many regions and health academic institution follow these guidelines and they are free to include what they see as being useful for nursing career continuing education needs in their locations.

Postgraduate Nursing Degree Credits:

If you have nursing continuing education credits, they will be considered during the licensure time for any studies you have done, should you want to do an advanced nursing degree.

If you have a degree, other than a nursing one, it will not be considered.

You may also be interested to know that al ordinary courses required to attain BSN are not considered apart from those that are of nursing nurture.

Continuing education for nurses can also see you become a tutor for nurses if you want to.

There is a unique shortage of health nurse teachers and this means that it also affects the turn over of nurses from nursing schools.

If you want to be a nursing tutor as a career, you should have at least an MSN or Ph.D.

On the other hand, if you hold a BSN, you can still find a job as a nurse tutor in LPNLVN, home health assistant or nurse assistant.

Nursing has many career areas to serve in, so it is to your benefit if you continue with your advanced nursing continuing education.

Move with continuing education as a nurse.


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