Enough Is Enough.

Enough is enough, we have come a long way in this life. Why are we still going on with the lessons of sadness, lessons of deprivation, lessons of harassment, lessons of hardship, lessons of poverty,etc. Really we have learned enough. Life on this side has given us enough tuition for  us to finally be on our own and be happy. We are tired We need a  new life that we have never experienced before. The opposite to the one we know inside out.
This is the time for us to experience the life on the other side so that we also know it and experience it too.
Today, tell this life that you are tired of the same lessons and you want new lessons. You are no longer going to follow it blindly. You have made up your mind never to follow it anymore and this is your final decision never to listen to it at all. Tell it that you know what makes you happy and from now on you you are going to live a purposeful life where you are your real master.


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