Persistence As A Show Of Your Authority.

Search:At no time in your life should you accept defeat. Continue with your journey if it leads you to what you consider to be your happiness. Immediately you accept defeat, you are accepting that your life should be guided by others. Do you know what happens when you surrender your authority? You also surrender your power to decide. The results you get after this are not yours but belong to those who made the decisions. You merely become a follower.
What ever the situation may be, harsh or not, persist because that is the only way you can remain yourself. Remember in the journey of life there's no gender that's why each one of us must be brave enough to accept our responsibility and full authority over our own happiness. There's nobody to give us orders and tell us how we should live our lives. Nobody knows what makes us happy that is why we ourselves must be given space to decide. Persist and be happy. Sometimes we have to ask ourselves about resources needed to help us succeed on our journey, the good thing is that these resources are many and can be found almost everywhere. One such helpful place is the one owned by Ken Evoy. For more information, you can get it by clicking at:

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