Are You Frustrated? Don't Be.

You will notice that as we go through life in our every day activities, there are some moments when we are really down.
This normally happens when we seem to reach a dead end in what we anticipated to do. It may be that you wanted to set up a small online business. You did all the planning. You raised all that was required to set up a business.May be you came to the idea of setting up the business because you felt that you were now ready, after successfully completing a short course in business management. Confidently you put up all the tools in place. But from the word go, things started showing up in a bad form. Each day your business recorded very bad losses. You made a spirited attempt to keep it afloat but to no avail.
May be you were aspiring for a rise in your salary at work. How ever, you could not get it because you were supposed to get a certain condition right before your salary was considered. Getting a higher professional qualification, was the catch.

You started working very hard by studying the necessary qualification. You believed you put enough heart and were confident of getting the rise. Alas, at the end of the day your performance was below expectation, and as a result you could not get a consideration for a rise.

There are many situations that we go through in which we experience frustrations, some major and others minor. How ever, we must make an effort to try to reduce frustrations in our lives. Failure on our part to take action may result in unnecessary anxiety.Therefore, when your desired results are not forthcoming, do not withdraw and do not consider yourself a failure. You are not a failure at all .

You are merely being asked to take a step back and look at your good points and the not so good. Perhaps you merely forgot to put in an important ingredient that could have made a difference had it been there. So remain optimistic about your desire.

When you sit down to consider what could have contributed to not achieving your desire, you are likely to notice some very helpful points. When you see them:

1. Be happy and praise yourself.
2. Look at what could have caused your failure and start rebuilding your plan afresh with the help of those good things you noticed in your work. For these positive things are likely to help you build on your new journey to success.
3. As you move through your plan, make sure to put down the options you may fall on in case you need adjustments to your current one. Do a lot of brainstorming.
4. Do not be afraid to make adjustments when you notice that you are somewhat off course. Do not wait until the plan is about to be put into operation,  only to find that you were herding into a wrong direction. Click here for more resources:


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