Here's How To Be Effective In Your Life

On many occasions in life, we wonder how some people are able to be so effective that life seems to be easy while some of us have to struggle to achieve whatever we desire. To be effective, you need to identify certain universal principles that will help you achieve your goals with less pain., and here they are:

1. Make An Effort To Be Proactive
Take the initiative by realising that you are the major factor for you to be effective in your life.. Take responsibility for whatever choices you make. You must at the same time accept the consequences that follow after you have made the choices.

2. Start With The End In Mind
Know who you are and make clear your deeply important charater values and your life goals. Visualise the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life. A mission statement is ideal in this situation.

3. Make A Priority List
When  prioritizing, planning and executing your week's tasks, make sure that they are based on importance rather than on how urgent they are. Follow your program every time to determine whether your efforts clarify your desired character values, drive you toward the necessary goals, and are  beneficial to the roles and relationships mentioned in 2 above.

4. Think Win-Win
Be genuine as you strive for mutual beneficial solutions or whateve you agree upon in your relationships. See value in people and respect them by understanding that a win for all is in the final analysis a better long-term resolution than if only one person benefited.

5. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
Use emphatic listening in order to be genuinely influenced by any person. This compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. An atmoshere of caring and positive problem solving is the result.

6. Synergize
Encourage positive teamwork so that the strengths of people are combined for the benefit of achieving goals which an individual person would not be able to accomplish on their on.

7. Hone Your Capacity
Hone yourself by balancing and renewing your resources, energy and health. This allows sustainable, long term and effective lifestyle. Do physical excersises for the body's strength, pray (meditate, yoga, etc.) and give service to society for spiritual strength. Please also do good reading for mental renewal.

Try these in order to be effective or follow what's good for you.


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