How To Achieve Your Deam

Your life is precious and you need to consider it as such. Make it move with joy and happiness, for that is it's purpose. How do you make it enjoyable in the clutter?. The surest way is by setting wonderful goals. Goals provide motivation to continue and they also give you the energy to succeed as well as the direction to follow.

But before we start the journey, we must be aware of the obstacles that are likely to be obstructing our progress. There are obstacles such as fear to succeed. Are we prepared for the success that is likely to come, and if we are, how are we going to manage this change? Are we prepared to face the fear of rejection in case we did not succeed? Do we know how to set workable goals? Do we consider goals as being of value to our progress? Do we harbor negative emotions such as anger, self-pity, envy worse still jealousy?

When you identify these limiting factors then proceed to ask yourself these other questions:
1. What are the ideal solutions to each of these problems?
2. How can I remove these obstacles in the shortest time possible?

When ideal solutions are found, then start writing down the goals, and make sure that they answer to the following:
1. Are your goals specific?
2. Are they realistic?
3. Is it possible to measure the out come?
4. Have you set the period in which you are able to achieve this goal?

As an example, if you want to have more money, you must indicate how much that is. How long should this take to have the desired amount. How much are you going to save per day, week, month or year to meet your desire. Each amount you set, make sure that it's realistic. Realistic in the sense that you will first look at your current capacity to be able to meet you target. Otherwise that can set you off balance when you are not able to achieve your goal.

In writing your goals make sure to write long term ones, medium term and short term ones. Long term may be a period of five years, ten years, twenty years or so. While medium term can be five years or so. A short term can be a month or less. This really depends on you and your dream.

This will enable you to check out areas of your success while allowing you to see those that would need fixing. For additional information, click at:


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