Secrets To Small Business Start up 2

The second and third workable principles ( the other principles to follow later) I learned that for anyone to be an achiever were:

  • Competence: To be truly successful and happy, you must be very good at what you do. You must resolve to join the top 10 percent in your field. You must make excellent performance of the business task your primary goal and then dedicate all your energies to doing quality work and offering quality products and services. Also note that the field you have decided to be your business must be able to satisfy three requirements. First, it must be something you really believe in and love to do. Second, it must be an area where you have the potential to be the best, to be better than 90 percent of the people in your field. And third, your business must involve a product or service that can be profitable to enable you to achieve all your financial goals. According to the Harvard Business School, the most valuable assert a business ca develop is its reputation. Your reputation is defined as "how you are known to your customers."  The most important reputation you can have revolves around the quality of the products and services you offer and the quality of the people who deliver those products and services as well as the quality of interaction with your customers.

  • Ability To Identify And Solve Problems: Between you and  your goal in business, there will always be a constraint or limiting factor. Your ability  to identify the most important factor that determines the speed at which you achieve your business goals is essential to your success. The 80/20  rule applies to constraints in your business. Fully the 80 percent of the reasons that you are not achieving your goals as quickly as you want will be within your self. Only 20 percent will be contained in external circumstances or people. What are your constraints? What holds you back? What sets the speed at which you achieve your goals? And what one thing could you do immediately to begin resolving your main constraints? This is often the key to rapid progress.   


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