Qualities Of A Great Achiever.

Success in life is one important thing that we all want. Some people think that you can only succeed if your IQ.( Intelligence Quotient) is superbly high. Well, this is only true to a certain level. In fact it's only 20 percent to the sum total required to succeed. Now what about the other 80 percent? The other 80 percent is made up of abilities such as being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration; to control impulses and delay gratification; to control one's moods and keep distress from taking over you ability to think; to empathize and give hope a chance.

In view of this,we come to realize that success can not come at random. It must be accompanied by certain qualities developed in the seeker of success. These are:

1. Confidence: This is based on a strong belief centered on a realistic understanding of one's circumstances; a trait most people admire in others and strive to acquire themes.
2. Curiosity: This is being eager to know and learn; always showing interest and giving special attention the less obvious; always being the person who says,"I want to know more about..."
3. Decisiveness: This's arriving at a final conclusion or making a choice and taking action; making decisions with determination even when you don't have all the information you think you need.
4. Empathy: You show that you care and understand someone's situation, feelings and motives; always thinking about what it's like to walk in someone's shoes.
5. Flexibility: This's being capable of change; responding positively to change; being pliable, adaptable, nonrigid and able to deal with ambiguity.
6. Humor: This's viewing yourself and the world with enjoyment; not taking life or yourself seriously, being amusing, amused and, at times, even comical.
7. Intelligence: Being able to think and work smartly and cleverly; being sharp in your dealings; not "reinventing the wheel"; planning before acting; working efficiently and focusing on quality rather than quantity.( Please note that that we are not referring to IQ.).
8. Optimism: This's expecting the best possible outcome and dwelling on the most hopeful or positive aspects of a situation; believing that the glass is half full rather than half empty.
9. Perseverance: This's having passion, energy, focus and the desire to get results. Motivation, persistence and hard work are all components of perseverance.
10. Respect: This's remembering that it is just as easy to be nice; protecting another person's self-esteem; treating others in a considerate and courteous manner, and
11. Self-awareness: This is an advanced type of consciousness that allows you to regulate yourself by monitoring yourself, observing yourself and changing the way you think and behave.

Huh. Now, which of these have you identified as being among your strengths? Which among these are your weaknesses? Self-awareness, the last quality is the main foundation for understanding yourself. If you are not sure how self-aware you are, you may ask several people you trust which of these eleven pillars, they believe are your strengths and which ones you would need to work on.

It's important to note that no one single person can possess all the 11 qualities equally, but it is possible to develop and improve them as required.


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