Make A Decision.

Make a decision about what? Well, make a decision about bringing about your success, happiness and mental stability in your life. Be open-minded and adaptable to new information and circumstances. You know what? When things go wrong as they sometimes are, instead of becoming upset or frustrated, decide looking into the change or reversal, you never know the things that have gone wrong could be containing an opportunity or benefit.

Be like those great men and women. These people who have succeeded in life, mention in whatever area, they invariably remain calm and keep their wits about them in the midst of unexpected turbulence. They take a deep breath, they relax, and they assess the situation objectively. They keep themselves calm and unemotional by asking questions and looking for information when things don't work out as they expected. For example, if someone does not fulfill a commitment, if a sale is canceled, or fails to go through, they keep their minds clear and steady and ask questions such as, "What exactly happened in this situation."

Make a decision to get the facts before you react. Remember that you are able to cut through the confusion. You are in the position to ask questions such as, "Why did this happen?" "How did it happen?" "How serious is it?" "Now that it has happened, what are the various things can I do?" Robert Fritz, in his book, 'The Path of Least Resistance,' makes a clear distinction between effective people and ineffective people. According to him, ineffective people, have a tendency to be in a reactive-responsive mode of behavior much of the time. Instead of consciously and deliberately choosing their courses of action, they react to what is going on around them, and they respond to their emotions, sometimes blowing up and sometimes becoming depressive.


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