Gender And Distance Education

Women constitute about fifty percent of the total population, but they form only nine percent of the total productive work force. The main reason for this poor share is low literacy level among women. When this major chunk is educated, no doubt, they can contribute significantly for the development of the country and can there by empower themselves.
Women empowerment is a global issue. Empowerment is an active multi-dimensional process which enables women to realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life.
Women form the pivotal point around whom family life and living revolves. When economic level of a family goes down, women are the worst sufferers. The poorer the family the greater is its dependence on women's economic productivity. Also illiteracy among women often leads to a poor self-image, lack of knowledge and self-worth, making them susceptible to being deprived of their rights and playing an active role in the society and restricts their economic productivity. Literacy among women opens the possibility of unlimited exposure to new information and more importantly to new ways of thinking and new perspectives on existing information. Also literate women are able to constructively express their talents and give direction to their aptitude. This enables them to lead a life which is fulfilling and satisfying.
Women's Development since 1901 shows the slow growth of female literacy. It was 0.60%, in 1901 and grew slowly to 1.05 in 1911, to 1.81 in 1921, 2.93 in 1931, 7.30 in 1941, 7.93 in 1951, to 12.95 in 1961, 18.69 in 1971, to 24.82 in 1981 39.29 in 1991 and to 53.67 in 2001.
While the Indian data is so dismal, the scene in Tamil Nadu where the university is located is slightly better, the female literacy rate was 21.06 in 1961 and it increased to 30.92 in 1971, 40.43 in 1981, to 51.33 in 1991 and 64.55 in 2001 while the literacy rate of males in Tamil Nadu was 82.33 in 2001.
These data clearly shows that there is a gendered imbalance in the acquisition of education.


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