How E-Learning Helps Develop Special Skills

When the words "distance learning" are used, it's often with the idea of achieving a degree or attaining a specific certificate. But what if your company needs specialized learning opportunities?
Or what if you are a small company and simply don't have the means to hire a teacher to help your employees gain a specific skill? The answer could very well be an elearning class from one of the companies that offer special course work.

Managers around the country need some basic skills that are the same from one business to the next. If a manager has a degree, he usually has at least the basis for managing a business. But what happens when the needs of the company change? Or when it's time to get updated training for the manager?

A few decades ago, a manager would simply have continued to use the skills he already had without ever really getting any new training. The company's dilemma is evident - the manager can't be spared from his current duties to attend classes for updated training, and the company is less likely to prosper if the manager continues to use outdated management practices. Elearning is an answer for that problem.
Specialized coursework is especially efficient for companies with personnel scattered across the country (or even around the world). Consider the company that has offices in several countries. The managers all need some updated training and getting a special course put together means they'll all be operating on the same page.
The course can be offered either as distance learning with all employees who will attend "meeting" online at a preset time, or as elearning with employees being required to finish an online course in a set period of time.

What could be better than a united business with consistent business practices? Accountants, bookkeepers, secretaries, security people or any other group could be brought up to date on government requirements and company policies.

Perhaps your company is undergoing growing pains and it's time to help your employee base increase basic knowledge. Offering distance learning or elearning opportunities in specific areas can accomplish this while benefiting both the employee and the company.
For some companies, providing their own elearning sites could be a great benefit for business. Imagine the selling power it would add to tout an online training course in the use of a particular product or service. With the technology available, it's possible to create custom distance learning or elearning courses, often with personnel already on staff. ( John Tipton)


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