5 Lucrative Job Prospects After Getting An MBA Degree By Distance Learning.

So looking for a job post in a managerial or executive level? An MBA degree might be of your help! The job prospect for an MBA student is probably better than for any other career. An MBA degree holder ends up having enough knowledge in theory and practice of business management. Industrial houses, manufacturing companies, MNCs etc. mostly recruit MBAs for all their management positions. A better job with good salary boosts up your lifestyle and makes easier for you to live like a snob! 

But having the degree from a reputed institute is also very important. There are good schools of MBA in Ahmadabad, Pune, Mumbai and West Bengal. All you need to do is choose the right institute, study well and fetch yourself an MBA degree. While going through the course in any of the reputed B-schools you must have taken a specialization of your choice. The job prospect depends on what specialization you have. Mostly MBA grads work in the field of 

� finance, 
� general management, 
� human resource, 
� marketing and 
� sales 

� Finance: 

Generally banks, financial institutions, MNCs, etc prefers students having MBA degree from top B-schools in India. Such recruitments are done so that the candidates can deal with the the company�s financial potential, growth prospect, budget analysis, share market volatility and its impact on the market. Companies expect that the students will come up with vivid ideas and will be able to handle different situations of the company. 

� General management: 

Corporate organization, multinationals prefers recruiting MBA people to handle all the management positions. 

� Human resource: 

One of the most lucrative job offers is the job of a HR. An MBA grad, as a HR professional, can work in any sector. You have better chance to choose your field in either general HR or HR for recruitment depending on your area of interest and potentiality. An HR gets to develop, advice on and implement policies relating to the effective use of personnel within an organization. 

� Marketing 

Marketing executives are required in an organization to handle the fields like planning, advertising, promotion, public/media relations, product development, distribution, sponsorship, and research. Such roles are really challenging, varied and exciting. 

� Sales 

Organizations hire sales executives to increase and develop sales in different areas. Areas like 

Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), consumer durables, industrial supplies, IT, software and media and services hire candidates with an MBA degree for there sales purpose. The role of the sales executives also ensures commercial success of UK and overseas market. 

So which field should you take up? Confused? Ya! It does become tough when you need to choose any one from so many lucrative job offers. But you need to focus on your path. An MBA degree with any specialization has its own value.  ( Ramadeep Das)



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