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Argumentative Essay: Solutions for reforms to the Criminal Justice System

Reforms to the Criminal Justice System

Crime is an exercise, which is opposing the law. There are different forms of crimes; rape, murder, sexual assault, robbery, plus assault, amongst others. There has been an increasing level of crime in different nations and states, United States recording a large proportion. This change of expectations calls for crucial evaluation of the scenario.

Incarceration is the leading form of discipline for offenders who break the law. It has been around for many years, however despite having it, there appears to be a higher rate of crimes as well as incarceration. United States documents the highest incarceration levels worldwide because extreme levels of violent crimes. With regard to this explanation, there's a need to reform the criminal justice system to come up with best workable ways.

The best reforms which can be introduced involve; introduction of correctional facilities and programs to go hand in hand with incarceration, having in place serious punishments and penalties to fit every crime, and the regularity and professional intervention like guidance and counselling sessions whenever in jail must be introduced (Fairfax). Establishing labour camps where wrongdoers can work, carrying out right investigations. These reforms will assist the inmates to get some skills and possibly fix individual problems for the case of individuals who commit crimes because of  personal problems.

Many benefits will accrue to the state if they embrace some of these reforms. The top reason behind the adoption of the reforms is to minimize the incarceration size. The best way of achieving this immediate goal is through introducing reforms that will assist the inmates to improve and other people to learn from the blunders of others to avoid getting into the similar problem. This goal is achievable if the state reviews the current system and do away with programs which make inmates more rebellious.

The reforms will additionally reduce expenses incurred to operate the heavily congested prisons. Prisons spend money to supply the essential needs for inmates thus once they increase; it implies that there will be more of the federal finances going to prisons. With the reforms, the county will redirect these funds to other needs which will help improve the economy of the county (Fairfax). The money will help in supplying good services to the less people in prisons.

Many people think that there will be no change still when the federal government executes these reforms. The explanation for this argument is that reforms have been done before yet still there is no change regarding neither the people in jail nor the levels of crime. The levels are still increasing every year, regardless of whether reforms are applied or not. Failure may have happened before and the reforms did not bear fruits however this doesn't necessarily mean the same failure will happen.

Other people may tend to claim that the reforms suggested are very costly to apply. The reforms which call for facilities and programs means the government will have to put aside such funds for the purpose of making the plan a triumph. The expenses linked to the execution, that's, acquiring of facilities and installation are exceedingly a lot. Turning down a reform based on cost alone is a big mistake; before a reform is rejected, the cost of execution needs to be compared with the advantages that the state will appreciate later on from the change.

Many programs particularly the correctional ones will contribute to creation of new people with different trait, people who will be of gain to themselves, their families, and the community. Whenever inmates are exposed to a prison where they are corrected rather than penalized, there is a high possibility of such individuals changing their conduct for the better. It is an advantage to the community because when such an individual comes out of jail, he or she will have improved and will live as a law-abiding individual. Order will prevail in the location in which this individual will go back. There is no explanation for leaving out a change with this benefit.

Finally, the many reasons behind the need for newer reforms in the criminal justice system are good and viable. It is very significant to seriously evaluate every case and see why the rates of crime have been increasing. People often overlook the fact that outdated and inapplicable reforms play a part in this case. The evaluation of the advantages and reasons opposing implementation of reforms obviously shows that the advantages exceed the disadvantages therefore it is wise to carry out a good strategy on the procedure of applying the reforms (Motivans). The preceding one has proven to be weak and non-functional therefore it's high time to correct the imperfections. Click here for more.


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