Imaginative Writing Prompts

Imaginative writing prompts. I have many books and other writing resources which are loaded with writing exercises and innovative writing prompts. Often, what is needed are some phrases to get me underway, then I’m off, writing into the sundown.

Imaginative Writing Prompts

Now I’d like to talk about a mash-up of imaginative writing prompts.  Plan for a hundred words or aim for a hundred thousand. Simply begin composing, and enjoy yourself.

You are digging in your garden and find a fist-sized nugget of gold.
Write about something ugly — war, fear, hate, or cruelty–but uncover the beauty, silver lining about it.
The asteroid was hurtling straight for Earth…
A child comes out of the school bathroom with lavatory paper hanging from his or her waistband.
Write about your early memories of faith, religion, or spirituality; yours or someone else’s.
There’s a man sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper…
Write a poem about your first romantic, dare I say: sexual, experience or situation.

Silvery flakes drifted down, shimmering in the bright light of the harvest moon. The blackbird swooped down…
The detective saw his chance. He grabbed the waitress’s arm and said…
There are three kids sitting on a log near a stream. One of them looks up at the sky and says…
There is a magic talisman which permits its keeper to read minds. It falls into the hands of a young politician…
And you believed dragons didn’t exist…
Write about nature, hard drive, stapler, phone, car, billboard.
The physician placed his hand on her arm and said gently, “You or the baby will live.

The nation is governed by…
You stroll into your house and it’s totally different — furniture, decor, all changed.
Write regarding one (or both) of your parents. Begin with “I was born…”
The most striking smile I ever saw…
I know that animals exist to…
A twinkling eye may imply a lot of things. Begin with a twinkle in someone’s eye and see where it takes you.
Do good individuals do wrong things?
Write regarding your body.
Have you ever been just about to drift off to sleep only to be roused because you in an instant recalled an embarrassing time from your past?
Buy a package of one of your preferred canned or boxed foods and look at the ingredients. Utilize every ingredient in your next piece of writing.
Now It’s Your Turn

If none of these imaginative writing prompts inspired you, do not give up hope. Think of a few prompts of your own, and then express them in the feedback. click here for more.


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