Experts Reveal The Best Brain Power Foods

Brain Power Foods

Many foods can be considered as brain power enhancers, for all that they do to improve the function of the brain, thus making you sharper and focused.

Foods which can  improve brain function are commonly referred to as brain power foods. They posses the capability to enhance the function of the brain in terms of alertness, concentration, memory, problem solving, and creative thinking also. Just like our arteries get clogged, on eating the incorrect foods, so do blood vessels in the brain. These change the work of the brain, and result in poor memory, low concentration levels, absence of focus, and gradually start to affect other body functions. It is, therefore, essential to take care of one of the most important organs of the body, and boost the quality of your life through eating ideal foods to increase brain power and memory.

Brain Power Boosters

Many different foods that we have a tendency to neglect whilst consuming all the junk, are those foods which increase the capabilities of the brain and its work. On the other hand, these power foods are excellent to consume, and none of them are those which you wish to stay away from. Eating any one of the foods from the list daily can adequately enhance your brain operation, and you can tell the change through time.


Let us begin with the essentials. We all take in water every day, although we do not know how much. Taking approximately 8-10 glassfulls  of drinking  water daily, is essential to keep the brain performing very well. For some of you, who are not aware, over three-quarters of the human brain is made up of water. Research has confirmed that people who consume sufficient water daily, have better brain functionality than those who do not.


Berries like blueberries, raspberries, blackcurrant, and so on., are understood to enhance memory and also brain power. Include these to your cereal or eat them with a dish of yogurt. These may be eaten daily, and their antioxidant qualities will give many other rewards to the body.

Oily Fish:

Oily fish posses omega 3 crucial fatty acids which are important for good memory and concentration powers, and also lower the danger of Alzheimer's infection. The iodine existing in fish is understood to enhance clarity of thought. Fish like, salmon, sardine, mackerel, and albacore tuna are excellent choices in this respect. Eat them two times a week to gain from their attributes.

Nuts and Seeds:

Some nuts and seeds are other excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E, and besides, are the best foods for brain power. In fact, the absence of these nutrients in the body has been known to contribute to memory reduction and bad function of the brain. Amongst these, walnuts and almonds are the most preferred for alertness and memory enhancement correspondingly. Flax seeds plus pumpkin seeds are furthermore important in improving the function of the brain. Spread some nuts in your cereal or a dish of oatmeal, or have a handful of somewhat roasted nuts and seeds as a snack. Eat flax seeds in their ground form by taking a teaspoonfull with water each morning, or scattering a few on your salad.

Green, Leafy Vegetables:

Brain food too consists of green vegetables like, broccoli, spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and so on., and are a rich supply of antioxidants which fight toxic harmful toxins in the body which affect brain function. The vitamin C in these vegetables safeguards the brain from many diseases and conditions which might affect it. Eat these vegetables every day for optimum benefit.

Whole Grains:

Whole grains like, oatmeal, brown rice, and bran are suppliers of complex carbohydrates which are healthier for the body. Glucose is the greatest energy source of the brain. Some other foods like, white bread, white rice, potatoes, refined sugar, and so on., have basic carbohydrates which can give a temporary round of alertness to the brain, and subsequently cause you to feel exhausted and weak yet again. As such, add their elaborate counterparts in your diet to have the most out of their impacts on the brain.

Other foods like, tomatoes, avocados, soya bean, yogurt, raisins, plums, eggs, and milk are excellent foods for enhancing your brain activity. How ever,  just these foods can not assist your cause. There are other methods to hone the brain, so that you can make the most of this important resource bestowed on you.

Physical exercises are too extremely important in order  to maintain brain activity. Also, there are several brain exercises and games which help improve brain operations.  Sleeping properly to maintain appropriate functioning of the brain is likewise essential.

Since you now know how you can improve your brain power with the assistance of various foods and some other activities, enhancing your concentration, focus, memory operation, and other qualities which can assist you in your every day life, need not be hard.

These are basic foods which are rich sources of crucial nutrients, and adding them in your diet can assist  both the brain and other body operations. Take in these foods to lead a wholesome and good life.
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