Free Distance Learning Courses_ Expectations vs. Reality

Free distance learning courses. Is it a scam? Free distance learning courses today have brought a great sigh of relief. to you and me. The free distance learning courses have brought a great sigh of relief because many of us can now afford some kind of a decent education when we take into account the extremely high cost of traditional learning.

Education has become so expensive for most of us that it is almost a luxury.

You might believe that it's better to spend the little money you make on something more rewarding than trying to waste it on education.

But, actually you may not be right.

If there is anything very rewarding in your life, it's education.

It's for this reason that many colleges and universities are now providing free distance learning courses at a basic level for individuals wanting to get their degrees and other courses online.

Free distance learning courses- Is it a scam? A growing number of people is now enlisting for free distance learning courses. Even though it's not common for a college or university to provide 100 percent free distance learning courses, a few provide some courses free in order to encourage the learners to come back again.

Free distance learning courses-Is it a scam? Free distance learning courses may be basic but they may be better than no course at all.

Are you interested? I give you a few down here that give free distance learning courses online:

1. Brigham University:

Brigham university provides different free distance learning courses. Here are a few:

 Religious scripture study.
Family Life.
Family History

These are the basic courses you can freely choose from.

2. The University of Washington. 

The free distance learning courses at this university are exceptionally good. The university has a wide range of courses, starting from HTML basics to Hamlet and World War II. Some of the courses are so enticing that you can not ignore them.

3. Lancaster University: Based in Britain

Lancaster University free distance learning courses in basic computer language and also writing.

These free distance learning courses are actually an introduction to the internet. The university offers them free of charge.

4. Eagle Forum University:

Eagle Forum University provides free distance learning courses mostly on the American government and its past.

The courses are based on facts and you can easily do them online.

The purpose of these courses is to teach every American citizen and those who come to America, the short history of the USA.

The free distance learning courses many colleges and universities offer have no credit component.

In other words, there are no credits for you to present to other institutions in order for you to do further education. However, the content of these courses may just be right for you.

If the content is what you desired in the first place, then the free distance learning courses may have their purpose.

Free distance learning courses. Is it a scam? The main purpose of free distance learning courses is to encourage further study.

Today, a large number of universities and colleges have been created as a result of many individuals seeking to enhance their education through distance learning courses.

It is therefore not surprising that online distance learning courses are on high demand.

Distance learning courses give you a chance to work from your house, plan your lessons, spend less on your studies, as all costs related to traditional university and college lessons, are done away with.

However,with so many people seeking to get their degrees through distance learning courses, there has also crept in an element of credibility of many of these online qualifications and the institutions that offer them.

This fear is not without foundation, as a number of these degrees could really be fake.

This is in light of the presence of fake qualifications being churned out by institutions normally called, "Diploma Mills".

These diploma mills, from the outset, pose as real universities and colleges. Like genuine institutions, they provide you with distance learning online courses but which are useless. They will normally attract you with very easy conditions.

However, if you are looking for real universities overseas, I have put down a few below for you to look through, so that you do not fall into the trap of diploma mills offering fake degrees.

These are open and certified universities:

  • Walden University
  • The Open University UK
  • York University
  • Royal Roads University
  • Kettering University
  • Nottingham Trent University Online
  • James Cook University
  • University of Birmingham Online
  • The University of Essex Online.

While this is not an exhaustive list of universities providing online distance learning courses, you are free to check many others on the internet.

Apply to online distance learning courses:

1.Thoroughly examine whether the degree you intend doing is certified-accredited and is from a bonafide university.

Be sure that the college and the distance learning courses being offered are have been inspected and verified to be genuine.

Accreditation of an online distance learning school claiming to be genuine is normally carried out by the Ministry of Education or an appointed specialized organization.

Any online distance learning school that is certified will display its authenticity on its website.

2. Usually, institutions that tend to be fake will change the way a genuine university is written, eg. The University of Oxford, might be written as The University of Offord, etc. This is to confuse you if you are looking for a genuine school.

Or if you see something like International Oxford online university, this is a real example of a scam.

3.You must also be careful with schools that have no clear method of student admission. When you see that the accepted methods need a mere recommendation letter or resume, know that the institution is not up to any good.

This requirement is only acceptable if the college is an open university. Open universities can ask for just a resume or recommendation to enroll a student.

4..Make sure that you donot pay any finances in advance, especially if it's a large amount of money. When you notice that the online distance learning courses school is asking you to pay a large sum of money in advance, know that the institution is fake, and quickly move away.

You don't need to pay the entire tuition money in advance, although this is up to you. Normally universities ask their students to pay their tution fees in installments. This can either be paid per semester or per annum.

Online distance learning courses scams

5..Usually, you cannot get a genuine degree effortlessly. Where you are promised to receive your degree in a short time and effortlessly, know that the promised degree is actually useless.

Although you may earn your qualification through online distance learning courses, it does not mean that you need less time and effort. You will realize that you actually require the same effort and time as someone on campus.

6..Find out what material you will get from the online distance learning courses university. This is because genuine accredited institutions have material on their sites associated with the courses they offer, like learner support services or online libraries.

Where you don't find these basics available, know that the school is not possibly genuine

Go through their distance learning courses.

7.See if you can confirm the institutions' addresses they claim to be theirs. In other words, find out  as much as possible about these universities authenticity before enrolling with them.

Where you are not able to confirm their contact addresses and other important information, you are being told that you are dealing with a fake institution. Keep away.

Even where the universities are totally online, make sure that they possess genuine contact details which you may want to use if need be.

8..Find out from former students of the online distance learning courses university you want to enroll with about their impression of the university.

You may also get a lot of former students' impression about a university on uni pages online, even on other sites about education

You will find former students who obtained their degrees from a particular university and they were very happy in their jobs.

You will also find others who might not be happy.

Your distance learning courses are very important therefore protect them by attending an accredited university and never let anyone scam you.

Here below are genuine external agencies who are allowed to accredit an educational institution:

  • CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation).
  • EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education)
  • EABHES (European Accreditation Board of Higher Education Schools)
  • ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education)
  • ENIC Network (European Network of National Information Centres on Academic Recognition and Mobility)

To confirm fully that the distance learning courses university is legitimately certified, open their official website either on google or any engine and enter the details of the institution and see if it is genuinely certified.

Success is yours! 


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