Here Are 7 Different Types of Distance Learning. _Which One Do You Prefer?

With the rapid expansion of different types of distance learning, experts have revealed that in the 2030s any form of education where you will expect to receive a certificate, is likely to be offered in the form of evening classes, on-campus learning and distance learning.

Female and male distance learning students in a hybrid class at the university, during residential school.

You can describe distance learning as the education you can do anywhere you like. Your learning will not be affected by your location.

Distance learning has opened up more chances for us to boost our skills, although we may not have enough money and time to spare.

As a professional or worker, distance learning is our sure way of enhancing our future job prospects.

All in total, you will benefit from distance learning because you will continue with your normal life. That is you will go on with your employment without disruption, you will attend to your family responsibilities, as usual, literally, everything with your lifestyle will remain the same.

Of late, distance education has effectively taken over from correspondence education and you are no longer depending on the post office's snail mail to deliver your education material.

Although some old forms of correspondence education are still present in some way, a lot of it has been taken over by the present type of distance education. Currently, you will depend on your laptop, iPad or smartphone to follow your distance education.

With the timely coming of the internet, you now have more options for long distance education to choose from.

Here are 7 different types of distance education. Which one do you prefer?

The 7 different types of distance learning are:
  • Synchronous
  • Asynchronous
  • Hybrid
  • Electronic
  • Fixed Time
  • Online Courses
  • Correspondence Learning and
  • Open Schedule Internet Programs.

1. Synchronous Distance Learning.

Synchronous distance learning literally means done at the same time.

During this session, you do your studies in a physical classroom,  teleconferencing or you engage your fellow students on the internet.

This type of learning is ideal for distance learning and is highly respected.

Degree courses like counseling psychology, common psychology, nursing, and general education benefit greatly because they depend on communication skills.

2.Asynchronous Distance Learning:

Asynchronous distance learning is the opposite of synchronous distance learning. Not done at the same time.

Asynchronous distance learning allows you total freedom to study at your own pace while you are given a strict weekly schedule to follow.

Many students love asynchronous distance learning because you re free to engage your peers on bulletin boards, that is online notice boards.

If you are undertaking a course that wants you to submit many assignments and is full of projects to attend to, you are going to benefit greatly from asynchronous distance learning because you will have ample time to attend to your work.

Many conventional distance learning universities offering degrees in health care management, marketing, advertising, legal assistant and many others, employ this type of learning.

3.Hybrid Distance Learning.

Hybrid distance learning is when you mix synchronous distance learning and asynchronous distance learning that allows you to gather at one time in an online chat room or classroom.

Here too, you are free to work at your own speed.

You attend hybrid distance learning lessons when a university runs out of room to accommodate all other programs.

4.Electronic Education:

Electronic learning is carried out when you use material like DVDs, CDs and many others that need you to use the laptop for you to learn.

These tools allow you to enhance your electronic education.

5.Fixed Time Online Programs:

You need to to be online in order for you to do online fixed programs.

You will log in to your official website when it's time for you to study.

You will find this mode very interactive when you compare it with the others here because you will be connected directly to your professors and other tutors as well as your fellow learners as you use teleconferencing tools.

You will find many tools to use online. One such cool tool is the ezTalks.

You can use these tools to download learning material, finish assignments online, submit assignments and many other things. Find out more.

6.Correspondence Education:

Correspondence education is the earliest form of the present day distance learning mode.

Correspondence education allowed learners to get their study material through snail mail in the post office. Very slow process.

When you received all your needed education material,  you would start reading them at your own pace.

If you needed personal help with your studies, you would ask for assistance from an instructor or tutor if your institution allowed it.

7.Open Schedule Online Education:

Open schedule online education gives you a lot of freedom to finish your coursework when you use online centered books, bulletin boards, and mailing lists etc.

When you start your program, you are given a few due dates although you can do your work at your own time.

This mode of learning is ideal for committed students.

Finally, the 7 different types of distance learning reviewed in this article give you a fair chance to make your informed choice on the type of education you need to follow.

Which one do you prefer?


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