Social Performance Optimization Tool-Amazingly Unique!

Like Wang, many of us want to know why so many distance education students do not successfully complete their education. This is where we need a social performance optimization tool.

social performance optimization tool-Amazingly unique.

With social optimization performance tool still far away, Wang says she was at one time, doing a MOOC assignment, and was one of the first in the group in the state, who stumbled upon this valuable information. At present, she is undertaking doctoral studies in Learning, Design also Technology in Pen State.

Wang was doing free courses online for the first time.

This was a golden chance to do training without even paying a dime.

But, online learning can pause a great challenge sometimes. Like at Wang's time in 2016, only slightly over 4 percent of online students could make it. Social optimization performance tool was not even a dream then.

Why did so many students fail to make I,t even when online education was free? Surely, there was a need to find a solution.

Part of the answer could be the way we relate to one another in an online class.

To learn more about the problem, Wang decided to pursue a doctoral degree online.

in Penn State.

In 2015, while enrolled in Penn, Wang had a unique idea which she decided to share with one of her top learning, Design and technology professors at her college.

The professor gave her a lot of help and encouraged her to find solutions to the many questions she was asking.

While reading, Wang came across a quotation, which made her heart jump. The quotation read, "If a student is struggling and needs to seek out support from a peer, the student can do so with no embarrassment or shame." end of quote Truly, Wang went out researching.

As part of a solution to the problem of failure by a large number of online students, one Wang applied for a grant of over $40.000  to build Social performance optimization tool with the support from her professors, This is an online app which you can use to enhance peer to peer help in distance education, as well as personal motivation.

Social performance optimization is a unique app.

Social performance optimization tool enables you to be in touch anonymously with peers during online lessons and also monitors your course progress through a number of states of an avatar.

In the event that you are struggling with your lessons and need help from a fellow student, through social performance optimization tool,  you will comfortably ask for support without feeling embarrassed or ashamed at all.

But how do you know the person to approach for assistance?

However, It is not complicated.

You are represented by a dog looking avatar. The dog will show how well you are to indicate whether you are in a good mood or you are not in a good mood.

When you are happy, the dog will be smiling and wagging its tail.

In the event that your learning is not going well, the dog will look unhappy.

In this situation, you can look for help, or give support to your struggling peer by sending out a private message. You may choose to post a comment to a peer discussion board.

The main purpose of the SPOT is to enable you as a student to communicate with fellow peers freely, without being embarrassed or ashamed.

This online educational tool can help you communicate with peers even if you are in a brick and mortar school. As an example, you can ask your friends after school to explain what your teacher meant during a particular lesson.

At present, Spot is being tested for a number of distance learning courses at Penn State, in Japan at Tohoku University, and in Cloud State University.

Despite SPOT  still being in a beta version, a great effort has indeed been made to answer the question of why so many online students tend to perform below par. We are looking for SPOT's further enhancements for the good of all those who value it. Read more


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