Qualities Of A Great Achiever.
Success in life is one important thing that we all want. Some people think that you can only succeed if your IQ.( Intelligence Quotient) is superbly high. Well, this is only true to a certain level. In fact it's only 20 percent to the sum total required to succeed. Now what about the other 80 percent? The other 80 percent is made up of abilities such as being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration; to control impulses and delay gratification; to control one's moods and keep distress from taking over you ability to think; to empathize and give hope a chance. In view of this,we come to realize that success can not come at random. It must be accompanied by certain qualities developed in the seeker of success. These are: 1. Confidence: This is based on a strong belief centered on a realistic understanding of one's circumstances; a trait most people admire in others and strive to acquire themes. 2. Curiosity: This is being eager to know and learn; a...